Kim Sae Ron Koo Junhoe. She started her acting career at the age of nine and became a famous child artist with the movies 'The Man From Nowhere' and 'A Brand New Life'. Do you like Kim Sae Ron?
Do you like Kim Sae Ron?
Kim Sae Ron LUV her in high school love on She's so beautiful and such a sweet person..
She started her acting career at the age of nine and became a famous child artist with the movies 'The Man From Nowhere' and 'A Brand New Life'. IntipSeleb - Lee Jae Wook , aktor yang berada di bawah agensi milik Hyun Bin , VAST Entertainment, tengah disibukkan dengan syuting drama terbarunya bertajuk Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol. Familia: Padres y hermanas menores Kim Ah Ron y Kim Ye Ron.